Hello Andy,
Thanks for your help, I installed the SPM 12 and now its working fine. But now I have a new problem :( , when I try to reconstruct the electrode trajectories it shows the following error messages :
Running job #1
Running ‘Image Calculator’
SPM12: spm_imcalc (v6124) 16:46:30 – 29/03/2016
Failed ‘Image Calculator’
Error using spm_vol>spm_vol_hdr (line 80)
File “Y:\Sushain\lead_dbs\lead_dbs\templates\bb.nii” does not exist.
In file “Y:\Sushain\lead_dbs\lead_dbs\spm12\spm_vol.m” (v5958), function “spm_vol_hdr” at line 80.
In file “Y:\Sushain\lead_dbs\lead_dbs\spm12\spm_vol.m” (v5958), function “spm_vol” at line 61.
In file “Y:\Sushain\lead_dbs\lead_dbs\spm12\spm_imcalc.m” (v6124), function “spm_imcalc” at line 99.
In file “Y:\Sushain\lead_dbs\lead_dbs\spm12\config\spm_cfg_imcalc.m” (v6536), function “my_spm_imcalc” at line 225.
The following modules did not run:
Failed: Image Calculator
Error using MATLABbatch system
Job execution failed. The full log of this run can be found in MATLAB command window, starting with the lines (look for the line showing the exact
#job as displayed in this error message)
Running job #1
Error while evaluating uicontrol Callback
I am not sure whether its the problem with SPM or something else.It says that some file ‘ bb.nii ‘ does not exist.
It would be really great if you could help.
Sushain Magotra