Hi Andy,
many thanks for your quick reply and good to hear that this approach works. When trying to generate the ea_reconstruction.mat file for one hemisphere I entered:
reco.mni.markers.head =[10 10 10]
reco.mni.markers.tail =[10 10 0]
ea_reconstruction = {[reco.mni.markers.head], [reco.mni.markers.tail]}
save ea_reconstruction
however, I’m not sure whether this suffices. When specifying this file in section 1 (specifying patient, electrode model and imaging method) of leadDBS and choosing ‘ea_reconstruction’ in the second scroll down menu, the
word ‘ea_reconstruction’ is immediately replaced with ‘Recent Recent patients’ . Furthermore, when running steps 5, (6) or 7 I get the following error:
** Process done.
Invalid MEX-file ‘/Applications/MATLAB74/spm12/spm_existfile.mexmaci64’: dlopen(/Applications/MATLAB74/spm12/spm_existfile.mexmaci64, 6): Library not loaded:
Referenced from: /Applications/MATLAB74/spm12/spm_existfile.mexmaci64
Reason: image not found.
I presume this has to do with either the incorrect format of the ea_reconstruction.mat file or the wrong visualisation step.