08/28/2014 at 5:45 PM
Dear Petra,
I will sooner or later write a function that is able to plot group results in 2D, but as you, I am not sure, how best to do so. What you could do in the meantime is load the contacts as fiducial points in slicer and load up an MNI template to visualize the whole thing.
You can also use the Lead 3D-viewer and in the axis panel select e.g. X-Cut instead of 3D view. It will then simply crop the 3D-figure to a cut. You can select to display electrodes as point clouds only in lead_group and could even tell the program to only show the ventral contacts by making them the only “active” contacts.
lead_group is still quite complicated, so we could maybe best skype briefly to do so together, if you’d like to try that.
Yours, Andy