Dear Gene,
unfortunately, for now, unilateral leads are not really supported (and they were, you’re right).
You wouldn’t think so, but especially in the lead_group analyses, including unilateral lead cases just makes the whole implementation a lot more complex.
If it’s just for visualization, what you can do, however, is to set the entrypoint in the main lead GUI to “Manual” and just put two leads into the same artifact by clicking on it for both hemispheres. In the 3D visualization viewer, you can then just deselect one of the leads.
If you’re a little bit into programming, you can also set a breakpoint at the beginning of ea_autocoord.m (which is the main trigger function following the button press of “Run”) and set options.sides to either 1 (right lead only) or 2 (left lead only). In the normal case, this value is set to [1,2]. This would trigger the functions as in the old version and should still work for most of the one-subject-only functions (even though I can’t guarantee it).
We will re-introduce the unilateral case support again in the future, just need to find the time to do so..
To export final output for visualization in other software: Atlases are present as .nii files. VATs are now generated as .nii files, as well. The electrodes can be exported to a JSON string which is similar to .stl format by pressing the cloud button (“Export to server”) in the 3D viewer. They are not uploaded to any real server or similar, it’s just that you can make results web-viewable e.g. for an intranet server that you set up for your hospital.
I can also provide you a script that will export the tips of the electrodes as nifti files, if you want. This is being done for headmodel generation in the novel VAT model code. You’d need to send me your email address or similar.
Hope this helps,
Best, Andy