Thanks Andy. I’ve bolded the subset of files from HCP that I’m using for Lead-Connectome:
anat/ Anatomical scans
T1/T1.nii.gz MPRAGE
T2/T2.nii.gz T2-weighted
diff/ Diffusion scans
raw/ unprocessed data
mri/diff.nii.gz four shells, b-values of b1k, b3k, b5k, and b10k
bvals.txt b-values
bvecs.txt diffusion gradient directions
bvecs_fsl.txt FSL compatible version of diffusion gradient directions
I renamed the files to be compatible for reading by Lead-Connectome but get the error message that the dti.bval file is unable to be read. Is it because the bvec and bval files are in .txt extension rather than .bvec and .bval format?
*** Performing structural parts of LEAD-Connectome…
Building DTI files…
Export b0…
Error using load
Unable to read file ‘C:\Users\Vinit\Documents\MATLAB\Diffusion-raw\dti.bval’. No such file or directory.
Error in ea_exportb0 (line 4)
Error in ea_prepare_dti (line 14)
Error in ea_ft_gqi_yeh (line 13)
Error in ea_perform_ft_proxy (line 6)
eval([,'(options)’]); % triggers the fibertracking function and passes the options
struct to it.
Error in ea_perform_lc (line 13)
Error in ea_autocoord (line 109)
Error in ea_run (line 95)
Error in lead_connectome>runsavebutn_Callback (line 289)
Error in gui_mainfcn (line 95)
Error in lead_connectome (line 42)
gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:});
Error in>@(hObject,eventdata)lead_connectome(‘runsavebutn_Callback’,hObject,eventdata,guidata(hObject))
Error while evaluating UIControl Callback