Groupconnectome (Horn 2013)

Groupconnectome (Horn 2013)

A groupconnectome in MNI-space which can be used within LEAD-DBS to perform fiber-tracking without patient-specific DTI data. Place this connectome into the lead_dbs/fibers folder and it will be recognized by the toolbox. You can then perform structural connectivity analyses e.g. from a patient specific “volume of activated tissue” to the rest of the brain to see which regions in the brain are potentially influenced by the deep brain stimulation.

For methods on the group-connectome please refer to this publication:

Horn, A., Ostwald, D., Reisert, M., & Blankenburg, F. (2013). The structural-functional connectome and the default mode network of the human brain. NeuroImage, 102, 142–151. doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2013.09.069